2020 was a hard year for everyone, with all hands on deck to help each other out. (Hence there hasn’t been any posts until now, the website is fairly low priority.) Despite the hardships, there have been numerous bright spots to speak of regarding the Ludois group Team.
New Faces: Blake Rose and David Skrovanek joined in the fall of 2020. Blakes hails from the University of Washington – Seattle and is pursuing an MS degree. David comes from Univrtsity of Pittsburgh via Fulbright Scholarship in Germany, and is now pursuing a Ph.D. Welcome to you both!
Graduates: Max Liben (M.S.) and Peter Killeen (Ph.D.).
Max finished up his ring motor for electric rotorcraft and presented it virtually during the WEMPEC annual review meeting during May 2020. It was a real hit, and will soon appear in the IEEE IAS Transactions. Max then joined Tesla Motors for a short while and now pursuing his own ventures: https://www.h3x.tech/ Congratulations on all fronts Max! And because this is the only graduation photo he shared with me when I requested one, it’s getting posted.
Peter defended his Ph.D. on medium voltage current source inverters for synchronous electrostatic machines in December 2020. He did a great job and moving on to C-Motive Technologies Inc. to join the technical team there and continue his work. Peter can be seen smiling below shortly after his defense.